Rats can be dangerous creatures which, like flies, can spread close to a dozen diseases including the plague. This is in addition to the damage they can do to your home's insulation, timber and electrical system. In short, rats are bad news to have around the house.
Rats can be found everywhere and everywhere they are, health risks are present. From diseases to food contamination, contact with a wild rat is dangerous at best so if you find them near or in your home, call us immediately so we can assess and control the situation. To know if you might have a rat problem in your home look for:

- Nests: Rats often build nests under appliances and refrigerators for warmth.

- Rub Marks: Rats travel established routes so look for dark smudges and wear along baseboards.

- Rat Waste: Rats can produce a lot of waste, close to 40, dark, brown, rice-shaped pieces per night. 

- Noise: Listen for scratching noises in the walls and rafters. Rats are excellent climbers so it's not unusual to find them in attics and ceilings. They also sometimes make a grinding noise with their teeth.

- Burrows: Rats are also excellent diggers, in fact their excavating skills can destabilize walls. Look for in garages, under decks, compost heaps and sheds.
Rat Proof Your Home

Rats will take advantage of any opportunity they can to eat, drink and multiply and since your house is one of the easiest places to do all those things, you need to do your best to keep them out. How? 

- Keep your food in sealed containers

- Seal your garbage

- Keep the house neat. Don't give them a place to hide.

- Seal any entry points into the house as much as possible. This includes gaps under doors, in windows, soffits, etc. If there's a point of entry, a rat will try to exploit it.

- Keep drains secure and toilet lids down. Rats have been known to travel into homes through sewage pipes, crawling around tight bends and through toilets and drains.
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