Bats are not the threatening creatures or monsters of legend that many people see them as. Still, they pose a unique challenge to homeowners and pest control companies. Why? Because it can take some doing to balance public perceptions of them against their genuine environmental benefits and ability to roost and colonize. With this in mind, know that we work extremely hard to manage bat problems and populations with the most car and delicacy with respect to our client and to the bats themselves.
Like we said, bats are good to have around; they act as natural pest control professionals, especially when it comes to controlling mosquitoes. However, there's a big difference between a few bats patrolling your property to having 10s, 100s or more of them roosting in your attic. And it's when they do this, that they pose a threat to humans because of all the urine and guano they leave in your attic which can soak through insulation, wood and even your ceilings. Guano droppings, when left unchecked can lead to fungus growth which can cause respiratory problems in the form of histoplasmosis and bats bites are the leading cause of rabies in humans. Keep in mind that a little diligence is all it takes to keep bats in check and balance around your home. First, know what to look and listen for: 

- watch your roof at dusk and dawn to see if bats are entering your leaving open areas from your roof

- listen for rustling noises in your attic, also around dusk and dawn

- If you have attic access, check it periodically for strange smells

- look for stains on your homes siding and gables; bats may track guano droppings on them

Lastly, if you notice any of this, contact us for an effective and humane bat removal solution.
Build A Real Bat Cave
If you recognize the environmental benefits of bats as neighbors but don't want them moving in, consider installing a bat house on your property. Bats will happily take up residence there and leave your home all to you.
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